Oregon State University

Community Hall Slope


Corvallis, Oregon


Oregon State University



Community Hall Slope is an $11.5M multi-phase site improvements project encompassing 6.5 acres surrounding Community Hall, Hattie Redmond Women & Gender Center, Pharmacy Building, Gladys Valley, Furman Hall, and the existing parking lot west of Kerr Administration. It includes improvements to Jefferson Avenue and coordination with concept designs drafted in the OSU Transportation Plan for Benton Place and Campus Way.  The project’s primary emphasis is to greatly improve accessibility within the project site and connectivity between campus destinations that pass through this area. Additional goals include reorganizing bicycle parking, accessible parking, and service access for improved functionality and reduced conflict with pedestrian circulation and experience.  

Phase 1 of Community Hall Slope is a $4M project that completed construction in 2023. This phase encompasses 1.8 acres of land surrounding Pharmacy Building, Furman Hall, and Gladys Valley.  Features include a network of new accessible sidewalks, remodeled entry courts that serve existing building doors, a new landscape, and a large, shared plaza space between the Pharmacy and Furman Hall.  Additional access and inclusion enhancements have been incorporated into the project.  The project necessitated utility infrastructure alterations and upgrades, including reconstructing a large span of existing steam tunnel top.  The site lands within the core of Oregon State University’s National Historic District and included application and approval from the Historic Resource Commission for a Historic Preservation Permit to implement the design.

Phase 2 is the completion of Jefferson Way improvements, which include a large stormwater median that will serve as a vehicle turnaround and rebuild of the Kerr Administration Building parking lot.  This phase is estimated to cost $1.5M. It is currently being incorporated into the Heat Plant Repurpose project that the firm is serving as project landscape architect with Integrus Architecture.  

Phase 3 is a $6M improvement focused on the walks, driveways, and landscapes surrounding Community Hall up to and including portions of Campus Way.  This phase is estimated for construction within the next 5 to 10 years. 

Cameron McCarthy has been prime consultant on the project since the initiation of schematic design in 2018, which culminated in a formal report and cost estimate with phasing options.  OSU resumed the project in 2020 by funding the design and construction of Phase 1 and completion of Construction Documents for the remaining phases. Cameron McCarthy has provided comprehensive site design and consulting arborist services for the project.